Friday, November 12, 2021

Narrative Sound Project

                                                   Narrative Sound Project                       Sarah Budnick 


Full sound video:

Man made Sounds:

My group and I were given the task of creating a sound-based story with only seven words. We wanted to make our project a little gloomy and unexpected because it was assigned around Halloween time. My two partners, Medjina and Kayla, assisted in brainstorming ways to unsettle the audience just through sound.

Our first idea for the project was to have an intruder break into someones house and then kill them.  We began by writing down a rough concept of how the sounds will be played out. We talked for around 30 minutes on which noises we'd use and in what order we'd put them. We had to come up with four noises of our own, then film ourselves making the specific sounds for a separate video.

"Getting out of the car," "going in the house," "someone breaking in the house," "calling 911," followed by gunshots and the phone dropping were the five elements of my groups outline. Each component has its own set of sounds, which were combined during the editing process. Opening and closing the car door, unlocking the door, placing the keys on the table, the sound of someone attempting to break into the house, and so on were some of the sounds featured. Before we started the project, we decided which sounds we would make on our own, which included the phone being dropped, keys being placed on the counter, an intruder attempting to break in, and an intruder creeping along the wall.

My group re-created the sound for the intruder trying to break in by pulling on a door handle at school.

My group re-created the sound on our own for dropping the keys on the counter by using a table at school and our own key chain.

My group re-created the sound for the intruder moving along the wall in the house by rubbing our arm sleeve along a wall to create the illusion of someone creeping inside the house.

After we made the four sounds on our own, we turned to YouTube for the rest of the sounds in the video. The gun shot noise was taken from a video on YouTube. Next, Kayla edited all the sounds together to ensure that everything flowed and was in the right order. 

This project was very fun to make with my partners and it allowed us to realize how great of an impact sounds have on all types of media. After doing this project I give foley artists so much credit and realize how intricate and time consuming it is to make sounds from scratch.

Beauty Magazine

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