Saturday, October 16, 2021

5 Master Editing Techniques Film Project

   5 Master Editing Techniques Reflection           Sarah Budnick

For this film, my group and I had to create our own versions of the 5 master editing techniques. Each of the people in my group had our own category in the 5 editing techniques to film and come up with an example for. I think we did a very good job of executing each technique. One other technique that I didn't include in my screenshots down below was my Leit Motiff. It represents how whenever I see my dog it instantly brightens my mood and makes me go from happy to sad. There was also supposed to be happy music playing in the background when my dog ran up to me. The high angle of me walking up the stairs also during that scene shows that I feel disempowered and upset.

This extreme close up represents parallelism by showing water falling from a water bottle into our characters mouth and then the film transitions into an extreme close up shot of a sink that's running water. Parallelism is when you connect two scenes visually by matching certain things in the scene. In this case, the two clips of running water was related. The use of the two extreme close up shots create an image larger than the human eye would see. 

The establishing shot right after the character drives away in her car was used to resemble freedom. It is an example of symbolism, which is when you use an object or thing to symbolize or represent something else. The character had just finished with her swimming practice and can now go home and is now essentially "free". The bird flying in the sky is free just like the character.  

This mid shot was representing simultaneity by showing two people on a phone call but in completely different places. Simultaneity is the correlation between two events that are happening at the same time. A mid shot shows a character from the waist up. I was playing two different characters on a phone call but one side of the call was shot inside and the other side was shot outside. This shot also introduces dialogue by giving the characters room to have a conversation on the phone.

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