Tuesday, October 5, 2021

One Word Film by Sarah Budnick


One Word Film - Reflection Essay         Sarah Budnick 

The word for my film was suspense. We achieved suspense in the film by adding different sound effects and camera angles. The sound of footsteps and a heart beating creates more suspense for the audience. The film also displays accurate camera angles and movements for instance using a master shot in the beginning shows that the character is going inside the building and that the film will take place inside. The canted angle when the character is sitting down in the office creates tension and an abnormal feel for the audience. The point of view (POV) shot gives the audience a feel of what the character is looking at and that they are walking towards a room, perhaps an administrators office. 

This first shot, an establishing shot, is used to set the scene and show the setting of where the film will take place. The audience now gets an idea of where the film was shot and where the characters will be located throughout. This shot is taken from far away to show the whole background. There is suspenseful background music during this shot to create a eerie vibe. 

This zoomed in camera movement on the frame creates suspense. It can also be referred to as a long shot followed by a zoom. Her hand is resting on her chest which shows that she is stressed out or worried. This foreshadows to the audience that something bad is to come in the film. The suspenseful music playing during this scene creates an idea in the viewers mind that she is being called out of class for something bad.

This over the shoulder shot shows that the main character in the film is being reprimanded and disciplined by one of the school's administrators. The pointing of his finger demonstrates that he is talking directly at her and is being very firm. He also may be perceived as upset and she is probably in trouble. The audience is left wondering what she did to get in trouble and why he is so upset at her.

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