Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Magazine lighting

                                  Different lighting ideas for my magazine

My magazine pictures will be taken outside (at the beach), so the main source of lighting will be the sun. The light will be natural and not artificial. Hard light, like from the sun, will emphasize the features and shadows in my pictures. I do plan to take some pictures of the models during the sunrise so there will not be direct sunlight at this time but instead beautiful pink clouds with the sky/ ocean in the background. Because I am taking the pictures outside with natural light, I will have to think about cloud coverage for that certain day and how that will effect shadows and certain features. 

Beach Bound? Beware of Sun & Wind Burns | Superpages

The picture above shows one of the examples of light I will use for my magazine. I will be going to the beach and using natural sunlight for my model pictures. This will create hard light and will occur when this sun is shinning directly on top of the models. 

This is a picture I took of the sunrise at the beach. The sky is light pink which will match with my pink masthead and the other colors I am including in my magazine. Because it is still light outside but there is no direct sun out yet, taking the pictures during sunrise will create soft or diffused light. Soft light will smooth out the models features and not emphasize on the little details of the pictures. 

Sunscreen Product Photography | Cosmetics photography, Beauty products  photography, Photography portfolio

I could place my beauty products in the sand and take the pictures with the ocean in the background. My IPhone has portrait mode included which will make this blurry background and focused picture effect on my photos.

Cosmetics & Makeup | Still Life Product Photography | London

I can also take my beauty product model pictures on the sand at the beach. I could also bring towels that are the same colors or will match with my products. The sand at the beach is a neutral tan color and won't take away from the products or distract the reader.

Work Cited

-   https://www.format.com/magazine/resources/photography/lighting-in-photography
-   https://www.superpages.com/em/beach-bound-beware-sun-wind-burns/
-   https://www.howlettphoto.com/cosmetics

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