Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Double page spread interviews

                                    Magazine Interviews 

  I will now start to put together my double page spread for my magazine. In it, I will be conducting an interview with the upcoming celebrity Robyn Jones. Robyn is a famous singer and actor and a lot of women look up to her and resonate with her. I will be asking her questions on beauty standards today and how she feels about them. I will mention and ask questions on the importance of taking care of ones health and well being.

  In multiple interviews already Robyn talks about her new makeup brand, Enchantress beauty. She describes how she wants the brand to make individuals feel more comfortable with themselves and feel less alone. Robyn also emphasizes in her brand website that she wants everyone to stop comparing themselves to each other and embrace their true selves. She mentions mental health and how she overcame many struggles with it in her life. 


  Typical magazine interviews will ask deep questions to create an interesting conversation. Each question should have an elaborate answer and interest the reader. My questions will be about beauty standards. One thing I could ask would be "How do you think your makeup brand is changing beauty standards today." As well as, "If you could change one thing about todays beauty standards, what would it be?"

GinoBaileau.com - Reflection Magazine Interview

This magazine interview example is something I would like to resemble in my magazine. The title is easily seen because of the bright red color and each question is in bolder font than the answers. Everything is simply laid out and is easy to read. I will be making my titles pink in color to match my color scheme. There is also a picture of the model above the interview questions in this example which I also want to include in my magazine

- https://ginobaileau.format.com/14657-reflection-magazine-interview

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Beauty Magazine

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