Sunday, March 13, 2022

Magazine content

                                                  Table of contents rough draft

There is only a few days left until my final magazine is due. 

Today, I created a rough draft for my table of contents page. It looks exactly like my hand made sketch I made a few blog posts ago just this one is digital. The title will say "Contents" with the certain volume and issue numbers above.

This rough draft will help me stay organized when creating my final table of contents page with the pictures, fonts and colors all included. The page itself will be white and the headings as well as page numbers will be pink in color. All the other wording (headlines) will be black. The masthead of my magazine (True Beauty) will be placed under the contents title. 

I will add my beauty product and model pictures into the boxes on the left hand side of the page and the actual contents will go on the right side. Each of my headings will be split into makeup, hair and other beauty/ fashion categories. There will be headlines that coordinate to each of the headings, with the specific page number above. This will help readers easily find certain topics they are interested in seeing inside the magazine. 

The headings will be in a different font than the title and headlines. For my headlines, I will use a generic and simple font like Times New Roman to minimize distractions and crowding on the page. The brief categories for the headlines are shown below.

 My headings font is shown above and is called Sweet Grand. It gives off a contemporary and feminine feel. Giving the headings a creative font will attract readers to them.


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Beauty Magazine

                                                              Beauty Magazine   My beauty magazine, True Beauty is complete! I used the gra...