Monday, March 28, 2022

Beauty Magazine

                                                             Beauty Magazine  

My beauty magazine, True Beauty is complete!

I used the graphic design platform Canva to create my finished magazine because it is easy to navigate and helped me add pictures and change the color and font for my magazine.   

Here is the link to view the beauty magazine :


Update page

The time has come!!!

My final magazine is complete but I wanted to share some last minute changes I had throughout the past few days.


So here's a little update on my final editing process. 

So first off, I made some changes with the font and ended up using Cinzel Decorative for the titles of the table of contents and double page spread because it gave the magazine a sleek and classy look. I stayed with my plan of making all of the headings a bright pink color and used Cinzel Decorative font again. The page numbers and small headings are in a darker pink color and have bold letters to add sophistication to the pages. This makes them pop out and grab the readers attention. I incorporated the color pink into my photography as well to match the theme, for example the sky, my nail polish, and my own makeup products. 

In the cover page, I gave the masthead a flowy font to still make the magazine have a fun and lighthearted feel. Both bright and dark pink colors were incorporated into the headlines of the cover page.

My interview with Robyn Jones was about beauty standards in today society and what she's doing to change them. I also added pictures of her to go with the theme of the beauty magazine.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


      Creative Critical Reflection 4

For my third creative critical reflection I answered the question "How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware and online - in this project?" I created a infographic using the website Venngage. This allowed me to describe the different technologies I utilized when putting my beauty magazine together. I introduced some platforms including VSCO, which I used to edit my pictures as well as Google Blogger which allowed me to create my blog posts. 



                              Creative Critical Reflection 3

For my third creative critical reflection question I answered the question, "How did your production skills develop throughout this project?" I made a presentation on Slides to answer this question. In my opinion, my skills improved in Google Blogger and Canva. My skills also developed because of others examples. 

You can find the link to my Slides presentation here:

Thursday, March 17, 2022


  Creative Critical Reflection 2

For my second CCR, I created a cartoon which answered the second question, how does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? I used the software app Pixton which allows you to create digital cartoons.

 I made the background of the cartoon at the beach/ ocean to match the theme of my magazine. The cartoon shows two unfamiliar girls meeting and then getting into a conversation about the new beauty magazine, "True Beauty". I used this to describe what will be shown inside the magazine and the special features it includes. 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Focus group (feedback)

                                      Magazine feedback 

This week, I have to share my beauty magazine with 4 people and get their opinions and feedback on my product. I asked them what they liked about the magazine and if there is anything they think I should change in it.

The first person I shared my magazine with was my mom. She really liked the name "True Beauty" and said it was very fitting for this type of magazine. My mom also thought the pink masthead and cover lines against the beach background looked very chic. She said that the typography and layout of the table of contents and double page spread looked sophisticated and classy.

My friend Robyn enjoyed the makeup product pictures and how they were edited. She also liked how she got to be featured inside the magazine as a famous celebrity. She suggested that I should take more product pictures for the magazine, maybe even in the water at the beach. Robyn also had an idea that I should take pictures of certain hairstyles or makeup looks to include into the magazine.

I also showed my friend Jose my beauty magazine. Since he is a guy, he wasn't that interested in the makeup and beauty side but instead the photography and the classy look caught his attention. He also agreed with Robyn that I should take some pictures in the ocean to incorporate some blue colors into the magazine. This will lessen the feminine feel and add a more masculine or modern look. I agree with this too.

The last person I shared my magazine with was my friend Shira. She spoke very highly of it and enjoyed all the creative headings included in the table of contents. She also pointed out how professional my makeup product pictures look, which I just used the portrait mode on my iPhone camera.


                             Creative Critical Reflection 1

This is my CCR, question 1, how does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? I created a pamphlet using the graphic design website Canva which allowed me to easily answer the question and add pictures as well as information. I described beauty standards today and how women are constantly going against them. I want my magazine to inspire women to be their true selves. I was also able to talk about my magazine interview and what I might ask.

You can also access my Canva CCR through this link:

Beauty Magazine

                                                              Beauty Magazine   My beauty magazine, True Beauty is complete! I used the gra...